I freely pursue my Divine Inspiration and enjoy a life of clarity fully illuminated by inherent wisdom.
Virasana Hero’s Pose
Inhale to the floor, sitting on your knees. Keeping the knees together, spread the feet and place them away from your hips. Exhale your hips to the floor and sit back completely on your gluteus resting inside the heels. The feet should have the toes pointed outwards and not inwards. Inhale Relaxing the shoulders and the chest, bring the spine up and straight elongating the spine. Exhale Bringing the chin down and relaxing the face, the jaw, sinking down to the ground. Engage the core, inhaling your navel into your spine, stabilizing your torso, exhaling length into the spine. Bring your hands to prayer at heart center, inhaling down through the palms, exhaling out as your press them together. Inhale down through the stability of the back, exhale out through the strength in your hips.
Push up through the hands, stepping back or walking the hands out to plank pose bringing your body just above the ground. Inhale your feet, ankles, knees, and hips into alignment hugging the thighs in toward the midline of the body. Exhale strength through the upper arms as you knit the front ribs in and widen the chest, pulling the navel up and in to protect the spine. Wrist, elbows, and shoulders are aligned as you squeeze your shoulder blades together low on the back. Inhale length into the back of the neck as you press stability through a strong body.
Vasisthasana Side Plank
Inhale, slowly releasing the left hand from the floor, turning the shoulders and hips outwards towards the left, bring the body to almost 90 degrees in alignment with the right arm. Place the left foot over the right foot, extend the left arm up, gaze at the extended arm, and finally bring the hips in line with the shoulders and the face.
Inhale, extending the arm and pulling the navel in engaging the core.
Camatkarasana Wild Thing
Inhale the left foot back as you twist the hips placing the right foot firmly on the ground. Bending the left leg place the left foot on the balls of the foot with the heels raised off the floor. While doing this the chest and hips are gently turned upward with the help of the rotation of the left shoulders and the twist of the left side of the hips.
Exhale extending the left hand behind gently throwing the head back. The torso is in line with the neck as you balance the backbend on your right hand, right foot and the ball of your left foot. Inhale, keeping the body light as you stretch length through the backbend without putting pressure on the right hand and wrist. Exhale, pressing down through the rooted hand and feet. Release into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) by turning the head to look straight, bring the left foot in front placing the hands beneath the shoulders on the mat turning your body towards the left side balancing on the left arm to find a side plank on the opposite side. Release your torso down as you inhale to find alignment.
Vasisthasana Side Plank
Place the right foot over the left foot, extend the right arm up, gaze at the extended arm, and finally bring the hips in line with the shoulders and the face.
Inhale, extending the arm and pulling the navel in engaging the core.
Camatkarasana Wild Thing
Inhale the right foot back as you twist the hips placing the left foot firmly on the ground. Bending the right leg place the right foot on the balls of the foot with the heels raised off the floor. While doing this the chest and hips are gently turned upward with the help of the rotation of the right shoulders and the twist of the right side of the hips.
Exhale extending the right hand behind gently throwing the head back. The torso is in line with the neck as you balance the backbend on your left hand, left foot and the ball of your right foot. Inhale, keeping the body light as you stretch length through the backbend without putting pressure on the left hand and wrist. Exhale, pressing down through the rooted hand and feet. Release your seat to the ground as you find length in your legs and lay back into savasana.
Savasana Corpse Pose
Connect with your breath and relax the body, every inhale grounding down through the earth, every exhale drawing length into the spine.
Purvottanasana Upward Plank
Roll over to lay on your stomach, pressing up into plank pose on the inhale. Plant your weight through your right hand and swing the left arm straight up towards the sky. Inhale, slowly turning the torso to face the ceiling throwing the chest and the abdomen upwards, exhale your left hand down behind you shoulder width apart from your right hand. Both palms ground into the floor with fingers pointed outwards, inhale a firm grip through the feet against the mat and exhale raising the entire body upwards balancing the body on the arms and the feet. Allow your neck to drop back, releasing the head to look behind you as you stretch deeply through the shoulders, opening the heart and expanding the chest. Gently bring your sits bones down to the ground, fixing your gaze back in front of you as you realign to face the front of your mat.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose
With feet directly under your ankles Rooting down through your feet, inhale your hips strong toward the sky, exhaling into the stability of your lifted pelvis, holding the length of your hips in a backwards plank extended long over the mat. Shimmy your shoulders toward one another as you clasp your hands under your low back, lengthening your hips as high as possible on the inhale while lengthening the tailbone forward with every exhale. Press the hips forward toward the ceiling as you rest your gaze toward your chest.
Urdhva Dhanurasana Wheel Pose
Inhale Walking the feet back toward your head and bend the knees. Exhale Squeezing your temples with your knees and give yourself a head massage. Use your core strength to roll down one vertebrae at a time. Bend your knees placing your feet directly under the ankles and plant your hands up and back beside your ears with finger tips pointing towards your heels. Inhale Drawing your shoulder blades down your back and firm your elbows together as you press up through your hands and feet lifting your body and dropping your head behind you. Exhale, Narrowing your shoulder blades together and push yourself higher. Lengthen your tailbone forward as you breathe into your front and back body, lifting the hips and squeezing your inner thighs together. Draw the chin in bringing ears in line with your biceps as you push your body long and high.
Halasana Plough Pose
Inhale Contracting your abs to bring the knees and legs overhead. Exhale pressing your shoulders and outer arms firmly into the mat as you extend your legs straight behind you. Lift your hips off the ribcage and curl your toes under as you walk your feet closer or farther away from you to position the hips directly above the shoulders. Breathe deeply into the shoulders and low back. Take the hips forward in space keeping the back of the neck long with weight staying in your elbows and upper arms.
Savasana Corpse Pose
Inhale your body to the mat, gently lengthening your spine as you fall into alignment with your body stretched long. Exhale, Releasing your neck, stretching your legs long as you fall into the stillness of Savasana, finding the peaceful relaxation of corpse pose. Close your eyes and Inhale against the floor allowing your body to be cradled by the earth, exhale through your body, releasing everything that no longer serves you. Focus on the flow of your breath as you sink into the serenity of stillness, sinking down against the floor and rest here for a few moments.
Gently come back to the space, wiggling your toes, your fingers. When you’re ready open your eyes and rest your gaze in front of you, rolling onto your right side, pressing up through the mat to lift yourself to sitting. Bring your head into a bow as you find prayer with your hands, dipping your chin to sternum as you rest in gratitude for everything today’s practice has provided you. Prepare yourself with the newfound peace and serenity cultivated here today as you raise your head to go back out and meet the world, ready, willing, and able. Thank you for sharing this practice, Namaste.