I am in tune with the Greater Intelligence that reveals the simplicity of every complexity.
Tadasana Standing Mountain Pose
Stand with your Feet Hip Width apart, toes spread pointing forward inhale as your thigh muscles engage, finding a neutral rotation, gently lifting the knees and arches of the feet. Exhale as the Pelvic floor energetically reaches up and in while the ribcage lengthens away from the tailbone. Inhale, Engaging through the fingers spreading them wide rotating the palms to face forward. Exhale your Shoulder blades down away from the ears, stacking directly over the hips. Inhale bringing your attention into your neck, bringing it into a neutral alignment floating long over your shoulders. Exhale as your Gaze points forward, softening in front of you calm and focused, settling into your intention. Connect down into the earth, Finding Stability as you steady and strengthen the pelvis bringing your body into unity as a completely whole embodiment of your energetic being
Utkatasana Chair Pose
Inhale, Sinking your weight back into your heels, dipping your tailbone down like you’re sitting in an invisible chair. Exhale Keeping your lower back long and neutral hugging your belly button to the spine supporting your upper body. Inhale, Keeping fingers spread and engaged, raising your arms parallel above your head as the sides of your waist lengthen upwards, squeezing your biceps in towards your ears. Exhale, Pulling the shoulder blades down your back and dip your chin slightly, gazing at the floor in front of your mat. Inhale while you begin Gently awakening the core and activating the abdominal muscles exhale into aligning your head and your heart in one energetic plane.
Navasana Boat Pose
Find your way to the mat, inhaling as you gently connect your tailbone down to the ground beneath you. Exhale as you Squeeze your thighs together and lift your shins until they extend out running parallel to the earth. Inhale, Pointing your toes as you find your balance resting between your sit bones and tailbone. Exhale through the Engagement of your upper body stacking your ribcage diagonally away from your hips leaning back with a straight strong core. Inhale your hands forward, either reaching out in line with your shins or coming to rest on the underside of the thighs. Inhale as you find your grounding force strengthening down into the earth. Exhale As you release yourself to receptivity, releasing your subconscious to settle into a deeper awareness inside of your self.
Paschimottanasana Straight Legged Seated Forward Bend
Inhale Lowering your legs, extending them straight out in front of you pointing your toes upward. Exhale, Engaging your quadriceps, slightly lifting the kneecaps while keeping the knees unlocked as you rest your femur bones deeper into the socket beneath. Inhale Drawing your tailbone back and lengthening up through a neutral curve in the spine. Exhale Broadening your chest with a slight external rotation of the arms as they reach towards the feet. Inhale Tucking your chin slightly to the chest as you lengthen the back of your neck. Exhale, Allowing the head to fall lower than the heart as you submit to full surrender. Inhale, Resting the Jaw, eyes, and muscles of the face into a softened relaxation. Exhale as you begin Gently noticing the peace available to move in and quiet the chatter of a restless mind
Ardha Matsyendrasana Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Inhale as you Gently sit up keeping weight evenly distributed across both sit bones. Exhale Crossing your left foot over your right thigh pressing the foot evenly into the ground rooting through the big toe. Inhale Planting your left hand behind you as you bring your right arm to the outside of your bent knee or around it to squeeze the leg into your chest. Exhale Pressing through the left hand to keep your torso centered between your legs as you rotate from the midline of the body. Draw your shoulder blades down your back as you lengthen through the spine. Inhale, find length, exhale pull your navel into your spine deepening your twist.
Ardha Matsyendrasana Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Inhale Coming back to center keeping weight evenly distributed across both sit bones. Exhale Cross your right foot over your left thigh pressing the foot evenly into the ground rooting through the big toe. Inhale as you Plant your right hand behind you bringing your left arm to the outside of your bent knee or around the knee to squeeze the leg into your chest. Exhale Pressing through the right hand to keep your torso centered between your legs as you rotate from the midline of the body. Draw your shoulder blades down your back as you lengthen through the spine. Inhale, find length, exhale pull your navel into your spine deepening your twist.
Upavista Konasana Wide Legged Forward Fold
Inhale Coming back to center, exhale opening your legs wide in front of you. Press thigh bones down into the mat and flex your feet back. Anchor your sit bones into the mat as you inhale finding length in the spine, exhale beginning to slowly walk your hands forward. Draw the shoulder blades down the back and broaden the chest while you continue rooting through the sit bones deeper as you fold forward. Inhale Pressing your palms into the ground in front of you to send energy into the sits bones,exhale grounding them back and down. Pull your shoulders away from the ears.
Janu Sirsasana Head to Knee Pose
Inhale Coming up to center, bringing your right leg into the body as you anchor down through both hips, exhale lifting the chest and sternum to lengthen through the spine. Reach both arms up, drawing your abs up and in as you fold over the legs. Inhale Pressing your left thigh bone down into the floor, exhale flexing the left foot as you bring your right hand to down to the floor beside your knee rebounding energy back up through your torso to create length in the underside of the right waist. Inhale Spiraling your heart toward the sky, pressing through the right hand keeping both sides of the waist long. Draw your shoulders away from your ears, exhale lengthening through both sides of the waist. With every inhale find more length in the spine, every exhale draws you deeper into the fold. Listen to the peaceful stillness in your breathing as the chatter of your mind quiets and softens.
Janu Sirsasana Head to Knee Pose
Inhale Coming up to center, exhale extending your right leg out and bringing your left leg into the body as you anchor down through both hips, lifting the chest and sternum to lengthen through the spine. Inhale Reaching both arms up, drawing your abs up and in as you exhale and fold over the legs. Press your right thigh bone down into the floor, flexing the right foot as you bring your left hand to down to the floor beside your knee rebounding energy back up through your torso to create length in the underside of the left waist. Inhale Spiraling your heart toward the sky, exhale pressing through the left hand keeping both sides of the waist long. Draw your shoulders away from your ears, lengthening through both sides of the waist. With every inhale find more length in the spine, every exhale draws you deeper into the fold.
Savasana Corpse Pose
Inhale Coming back to center, exhale extending both legs out in front of you, laying back against the ground as you bend your knees and root down through your feet. Inhale, ground down. Exhale, allow your body to feel a release. Inhale, ground down, exhale, letting your body fall into the serenity of quiet stillness.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Bridge Pose
With feet directly under your ankles Rooting down through your feet, inhale your hips strong toward the sky, exhaling into the stability of your lifted pelvis, holding the length of your hips in a backwards plank extended long over the mat. Shimmy your shoulders toward one another as you clasp your hands under your low back, lengthening your hips as high as possible on the inhale while lengthening the tailbone forward with every exhale. Press the hips forward toward the ceiling as you rest your gaze toward your chest.
Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand
Inhale Releasing your hips down to the ground and exhale extending your legs long beneath you. Walk your shoulder blades into the midline of the body and bend your knees one at a time as you dip the weight of your pelvis into your hands. Stack the knees over the hips then lengthen legs straight towards the sky. Inhale Squeezing your inner thighs together as you point your toes away from your body. Keep the weight of your torso in your hands as you exhale and lengthen your neck away from the shoulders. Make sure no weight is resting on your head or your neck, redirect your energy through the strength of your hands holding your pelvis.
Halasana Plough Pose
Inhale Contracting your abs to bring the knees and legs overhead. Exhale pressing your shoulders and outer arms firmly into the mat as you extend your legs straight behind you. Lift your hips off the ribcage and curl your toes under as you walk your feet closer or farther away from you to position the hips directly above the shoulders. Breathe deeply into the shoulders and low back. Take the hips forward in space keeping the back of the neck long with weight staying in your elbows and upper arms.
Urdhva Dhanurasana Wheel Pose
Inhale Walking the feet back toward your head and bend the knees. Exhale Squeezing your temples with your knees and give yourself a head massage. Use your core strength to roll down one vertebrae at a time. Bend your knees placing your feet directly under the ankles and plant your hands up and back beside your ears with finger tips pointing towards your heels. Inhale Drawing your shoulder blades down your back and firm your elbows together as you press up through your hands and feet lifting your body and dropping your head behind you. Exhale, Narrowing your shoulder blades together and push yourself higher. Lengthen your tailbone forward as you breathe into your front and back body, lifting the hips and squeezing your inner thighs together. Draw the chin in bringing ears in line with your biceps as you push your body long and high.
Savasana Corpse Pose
Inhale while you Bend the elbows, gently lowering the top of the head to the floor. Lift your heels as you roll down carefully, taking the feet as wide as the mat letting the knees fall into touching. Exhale, Releasing your body down gently, extending your legs long as you lie back into Savasana, finding the quiet stillness of corpse pose. Close your eyes and Inhale against the floor allowing your body to be cradled by the earth, exhale through your body, releasing everything that no longer serves you. Focus on the flow of your breath as you sink into the serenity of stillness, sinking down against the floor resting here for a few moments.
Gently come back to the space, wiggling your toes, your fingers. When you’re ready open your eyes and rest your gaze in front of you, rolling onto your right side, pressing up through the mat to lift yourself to sitting. Bring your head into a bow as you find prayer with your hands, dipping your chin to sternum as you rest in gratitude for everything today’s practice has provided you. Prepare yourself with the newfound peace and serenity cultivated here today as you raise your head to go back out and meet the world, ready, willing, and able. Thank you for sharing this practice, Namaste.